When to Drink Protein Shakes — Research Review
Athletes and fitness gurus have many different opinions on the best time to drink protein shakes. Some swear that a post-workout shake optimizes muscle growth and can lead to quick bodybuilding, w...

For many of us that go to the gym, one of the best feelings is when your muscles feel full and your skin feels tight. This occurrence is what most gym goers refer to as the "pump". There are MANY...
From time to time we get the question, "What makes Ice Shaker different/better than product X from company Y?" It is a good question and one that we're always happy to answer. To simplify matters...
So Much More than a Shaker Bottle!
If you haven't heard about how Ice Shaker was started, here's a little recap...Former NFL Fullback, Chris Gronkowski had recently retired from football and was back living in a suburb just outside ...
Ice Shaker-The Ultimate Bottle?
We get it, there are a TON of stainless steel bottles and tumblers available to consumers these days. Which is why you may be asking yourself "How is Ice Shaker any different?". It's a fair quest...
How to Use Protein Powder for Weight Loss – The Ultimate Guide
Now that the new year is underway, many people make it a goal to start a new exercise regimen and consume a healthier diet to help lose weight. For the best results, you need to practice a combin...
How Many Calories Should You Be Consuming?
The question of how many calories you should be consuming depends on what your weight goals are. Of course someone trying to gain weight will need to consume more calories than an individual tryi...
The Difference Between Whey Isolate and Whey Concentrate Protein
So what is the difference between whey isolate and whey concentrate protein? What is whey? Whey is the bi-product you get when making cheese. Yes this is actually the waste product for chee...
Are you Drinking Enough Water?
Water makes up about 60 percent of our body weight. It is vital for virtually every function in the human body! It helps to regulate our body temperature, maintain proper blood circulation, trans...